We offer our clients Valuation services that include Valuation of Immovable Assets for mordgage, sale & purchase. These services include valuation of property, Immovable assets or any kind of tangible assets. These assets play a long-term role in earning profit in a business. Valuation of plant & machinery, furniture, tools, land, buildings and real estate is done as per these services
Our services are based on proper research, paper work and are professionally communicated. The accurate estimation helps our clients in managing their profits and finances. Our services are based on proper field measurements transferred to paper works and datas arrived at with perfection and professionally communicated. The main criteria in Valuation is identification of property by personal inspection & field survey with reference to revenue records, We are achieving that with efficiency & perfection by proper scruciny of records with field inspection & survey.
Valuation is the art of process of estimating value, depending upon the circumstances of the case and purpose for which valuation is needed, at a given time, place and under specific market conditions. Though it requires scientific analysis of available data, the art of forecast and judgement is none the less essential.
It is to be remembered that value is not price but an element of valuation is none the less present in all pricing efforts. Application of the concept of value, apart from price, has found new pastures in social, economic and administrative contexts.
Considering the administrative context, the concept was first applied for compulsory land acquisition for development and expansion of infrastracture facilities like railways, ports, cantonments and the like during the British Rule. Next came the Municipal taxation - particularly for real estate. Gradually came the fiscal laws which involved valuation of property for and objective basis of levy. Insurance, auction, mortgage, development of estates etc., gave a momentum to the development of theory and practice of valuation. In present day's context, valuation is indispensable in preparation of financial statements of companies. They determine the terms of merger, amalgamation and take - overs. Valuation also provides basic inputs for consideration in disinvestment of public sector undertakings.
Thus, it can be seen that valuation has emerged as an organized art and science. For business tangibles like goodwill, patent rights, trademark etc., are also assigned some values.
The cost of construction of a Building for Income Tax Assesment is generally accountable for taxation purpose. We provide as much as exact and reliable value for this purpose. This can be user friendly with present accounting System.
The estimation of cost of construction is to be worked out on scientific principles based on the facts of the case. The estimation of cost of construction is different from the estimation of fair market value where the opinion of an individual plays a part. The estimation of project to be taken up at a later date can vary to certain degree as certain future uncertainties can not be forecast exactly and accounted for fully, while preparing the estimate.
We provide accurate, appropriate and realistic estimates for Valuation For Capital Gain. We quote client friendly and reasonable prices for our services. We offer these services to our clients as per the Income Tax Dept. norms. We have been able to secure outstanding position with the help of our skilled team.
For the purpose of computation of Capital Gains in the case of immovable properties the cost of acquistion of Fair Market Value of the property as on the date of 1-4-2001 whichever is later is adopted. It is further adjusted as per cost inflation index applicable for the year of transfer.
Normally the assessee files a report from the Registered valuer in support fo Fair Market value of the property as on the date of 1-4-2001 enables the Assessing Office to refer the property to the Valuation Cell for determininf the Fair Market Value of the property for which the relevent provisions of the Wealth Tax Act are applicable.
Land is one of our most precious assets. In traditional societies it is a common good and cannot be alienated nor sold. In a modern fr ee market system land is a commodity that is desired and can be exchanged; its value and price are commanded by offer and demand and by the underlying perception of poten tial benefits that can be derived from it. Land is finite in extent and is in gr owing demand; and its value is expected to increase in the future.
We assessed the market value of properties with proper identification of land with ref. to revenue department records, availability of public amenties, natural resources possitive and negative aspects of the locality etc., by personal inspection & field survey.
Price, in money, is the generally accepted e xpression to mark and compare land values in a functional market. The price of land is determined by its production potential, and by the present or future services it incorporat es; in modern times it has also become an object of speculation.
We offer our clients Valuation services that include Valuation of Immovable Assets for mortgage, sale & purchase. These services include valuation of property, Immovable assets or any kind of tangible assets. These assets play a long-term role in earning profit in a business. Valuation of plant & machinery, furniture, tools, land, buildings and real estate is done as per these services
Our services are based on proper research, paper work and are professionally communicated. The accurate estimation helps our clients in managing their profits and finances. The Goverment of India ushered in economic reforms and liberalisation of economy in the early 1990s. The sair reforms and liberalisation process resulted in rapid economic growth of the country. The banking sector saw rapid growth from 1990s onwards. New private banks entered in the market and the competition increased. As the economy expanded so did the banking activities and lending ny the banks. The banking sector has played a great role in the growth astory of India. As a consequence of huge growth in lending by the banks, the demand for independent third party valuations of various assests which the banks required grew many folds.